
Tuesday 27 November 2012

PuTuS cInTa ..??

eherm2 .. let me start this .. so ,, putus cinta .. siapa prnah mngalami prkara ini ..?? >> put ur hands up ..!!

putus cinta merupakan prkara yg psti bgi org yg sdg hngat brcinta dn tiba2 ,, break ..!! 

ermm .. pd pndapat sya ,, brcinta pz zmn rmja ,, is useless .. tiada faedah ..!
ap prasaan korang ble putus cnta .. 

SEDIH ..? 




Setiap psangan yg brcinta psti akn brpisah jua melainkan ia mmg lha jodoh mreka yg sbenar .. 

Apatah lgi , remaja yg brcinta ,., komfem akn break .. lps break  cari org laen . break , couple ngn org laen .. huh .. whats the point , dear ..??? 

x salah untuk mencintai seseorang .. tpi jgn over yerr ..

so .. 

kpd ssiapa yg skrg nie sedang kecewa or bru jerr abiz break ngn couple ..,, 

* xyah lha nk sedih2 .. maseh byk jejaka hot kat luar sne .. 
* xyah nk buat keje2 gilerr hnya ntuk seorang lelaki yg blom tntu komfem jdi husband kite ..

yg blom ad kapel tu ..,,

* xyah kapel pon xpe .. lgi bgus ..!!
* teruskan hidup single .. :)


Remaja ;))

Tok la tem bcinta bnar2 yarr...bkn usia remaja ;)) walau apa pn,,,,,,kpd viewer yg mc underage tu..pndai2 la yerr sbb korg tu mc skolh..nnt x psl2 heartbroken apa plak aq mngarut ne...btw,,ini bkn mnghlg,,tp,,,kite ne mc skolh...plajaran tu penting lg yerr...pepaham la hnya ingin beri nasuhat jer..korg jgn terasa hati pla ek <3 #maafla bhsa campur# ;)))


today im little bit jiwang~

hye fellas ! today i wanna share a little bit about love...have you ever have this kind of feeling?? people say love is like is like you own the world...really?? haha.. i think so..

nevermind...jiwang petang2...u all x suka?? u all boleh blah...
so...actually apa erti cinta tk?? describe ckit...i know you have the experience..haha*juz joking

love, love and love.... all KTJ...amacam?? power x? lalala... love is not a crime..right?

ne tauk kelak ada nok sanggup jadi  pembunuh...sapa tauk??

last but not least..let me present you.....

wahaha....jiwang bebeno~ 

they lived happily ever after....the end~

#entry ini tiada kaitan antara yang hidup dan sesiapa...juz 4 fun~... wahahaha



                        SHEAMUS <3


267 lbs.

Dublin, Ireland

Brogue Kick, Cloverleaf, Irish Curse Backbreaker, White Noise

WWE Champion; U.S. Champion; 2010 King of the Ring; 2012 Royal Rumble Match winner; World Heavyweight Champion

Aik..,,,,??ttbe jer???heee ;))

“Babies are soft. Anyone looking at them can see the tender, fragile skin and know it for the rose-leaf softness that invites a finger's touch. But when you live with them and love them, you feel the softness going inward, the round-cheeked flesh wobbly as custard, the boneless splay of the tiny hands. Their joints are melted rubber, and even when you kiss them hard, in the passion of loving their existence, your lips sink down and seem never to find bone. Holding them against you, they melt and mold, as though they might at any moment flow back into your body.

But from the very start, there is that small streak of steel within each child. That thing that says "I am," and forms the core of personality.

In the second year, the bone hardens and the child stands upright, skull wide and solid, a helmet protecting the softness within. And "I am" grows, too. Looking at them, you can almost see it, sturdy as heartwood, glowing through the translucent flesh.

The bones of the face emerge at six, and the soul within is fixed at seven. The process of encapsulation goes on, to reach its peak in the glossy shell of adolescence, when all softness then is hidden under the nacreous layers of the multiple new personalities that teenagers try on to guard themselves.

In the next years, the hardening spreads from the center, as one finds and fixes the facets of the soul, until "I am" is set, delicate and detailed as an insect in amber.”

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.